ADELANTE 2 is the European Union’s Triangular Cooperation Programme with Latin America and the Caribbean. Its overall objective is to foster triangular partnerships for innovative and high-impact initiatives in the 2030 Agenda.
The Finnova Foundation, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and the Sustainable Fashion Cluster of Peru have teamed up to carry out the initiative Sustainability in the fashion sector for its internationalisation. This initiative will take place between September 2022 and April 2023. It seeks to share the knowledge of the Alliance’s entities to develop and apply support models for companies in the fashion sector, characterised by the promotion of sustainable production that complies with the highest international standards.
This will close the gaps in the fashion sector in Bogotá and the 59 municipalities in the jurisdiction of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (CCB) for internationalisation towards European markets. To this end, it has a total budget of 182,696 euros, of which 130,721 are contributed by the European Union and 51,975 come from the counterpart of the triangulation entities.
In order to approach the programme from different perspectives, ADELANTE 2 has different components: Operational support to articulate the European Union-Latin America and the Caribbean Triangular Cooperation ADELANTE Window; analytical support to develop Triangular Cooperation analysis and studies together with the Ibero-American General Secretariat and, finally, institutional support to develop bilateral Triangular Cooperation funds between the EU and selected Latin American and Caribbean countries. In this way, the programme can meet the Sustainable Development Goals to leave no one behind thanks to Triangular Cooperation.
Among other actions, a mapping of certifications and environmental sustainability seals will be carried out in the coming months through the transfer of European and regional best practices. In addition, awareness-raising, training, and business missions will be carried out for the benefit of companies in Bogota and Peru to strengthen the capacities of the Alliance member teams. These actions are focused on achieving greater impact, transfer and scalability of the knowledge generated.
To this end, the following activities are foreseen to take place:
- Workshop on knowledge transfer between officials of the Triangular Cooperation Alliance entities.
- Seminar for the presentation of the Initiative to the different interest groups.
- Training course aimed at entrepreneurs and stakeholders in the fashion sector in Bogota and the Region.
- Study visit to Peru by 10 companies from Bogota and the 59 municipalities of the CCB’s jurisdiction, in order to learn about success stories and interact with companies in the fashion sector that, thanks to sustainability and innovation, have been able to access new markets internationally. In future opportunities we will inform the selection criteria.
- Study visit by 5 companies from Bogota and the 59 municipalities of the CCB’s jurisdiction, and 5 companies from Peru to Spain, in order to meet and interact with companies and actors that promote sustainability, innovation and cooperation.
- Holding of an International Sustainability Congress in Bogota, scheduled for April 2023.
More information on the Adelante call available at:
More information from Finnova, available at:
More information on the Sustainable Fashion Cluster Peru, available at:
More information about the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, available at: