To access this page you need to register
Applicants shall register and submit their proposals through the CirCoAX online application. (Provide link to registration FORM A) Application period ends on Wednesday, October 13th 2021 with a cut-off time of 17.00 (CET). Applications submitted by any other means will not be considered for funding.
All forms shall be filled in English language only.
The application package to be submitted must include the following:
1. Online Registration – FORM A
2. Financial Declaration (Tick box included in FORM A)
3. Project Application – FORM B
4. Declaration Of Honour – ANNEX 1 – Signed and returned
5. Partnership Agreement – ANNEX 2
6. Pitch Video (max. 3 minutes; 2 minutes project, 1 minutes values and impact)
7. Letter of interest from relevant stakeholders – Optional
For more details regarding the application procedure, see Open Call Document. (Provide link to all the above documents – downloadable)
Table below presents the application package and details checklist: